Sunday 2nd December: ADVENT I

Missa Prudentes virgines A. Lobo.
Canite tuba in Sion Guerrero.
Ecce Dominus veniet Victoria.
Advent Prose: Rorate caeli  Gregorian chant.

Creator alme siderum Gregorian chant.
Magnificat Tone 8 à 5 Anon.
Confortamini et iam nolite timere Lassus. 

Friday 7th December: First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception

Ave maris stella Hassler.
Magnificat Tone 8 à 8 Bevan.
Ave Maria à 5 Lassus.
Alma Redemptoris mater à 8 Lassus.
Toccata: Ave maris stella (Op. 18 No. 9) Dupré.     

Saturday 8th December: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE B.V.M. (with cornetts and sackbuts)

Prelude: Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (648) Bach.
Missa Osculetur me Lassus.
Ave Maria à 8 Victoria.
Beata es virgo Maria G. Gabrieli.
Fugue on the Magnificat (733)  Bach.

Sunday 9th December: ADVENT II

Missa Transeunte Domino Handl.
Laetentur caeli Byrd.
Veni Jesu Rex optime Dering.

Creator alme siderum Gregorian chant.
Magnificat Tone 8 à 5 Anon.
Ave Maria à 4  attrib. Victoria.
Fantasia XIV sur Ave maris stella Du Caurroy.


Sunday 16th December: ADVENT III (Gaudete)

Prelude: Wachet auf (645) Bach.
Missa Sancti Joannis de Deo Haydn.
Gaudeamus omnes Gombert.
Benedixisti Domine G. Gabrieli.
Prelude & Fugue in A major (536) Bach.          .

Creator alme siderum M. Praetorius.
Magnificat Tone 2 à 5 Bevan.
Ecce concipies Handl.
Prelude: Kommst du nun Jesu (650) Bach.


Thursday 20th December: Christmas Carol Service and Benediction, 7.30 p.m.
with the Choir of the London Oratory and the Oratory Junior Choir


Sunday 23rd December: ADVENT IV

Missa Conditor alme siderum Anumuccia.
Rorate caeli desuper Byrd.
Ave Maria Gombert.

Creator alme siderum Gregorian chant.
Magnificat Tone 2 Bevan.
Sicut mater consolatur Lassus.


Monday 24th December: Midnight Mass of Christmas (with orchestra)
Carols for choir and congregation. 
Colloredo Mass K. 337  Mozart.
For unto us (Messiah)  Handel.  
O regem caeli  Victoria.
Final: Symphony No. 1  Vierne.


Tuesday 25th December: THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD

Coronation Mass K. 317 Mozart.
Verbum caro Sheppard
Quem vidistis pastores A. Gabrieli.
Sinfonia: Cantata No. 29 Bach arr. Dupré.

Quem pastores laudavere 14th cent. German.
Alma Redemptoris mater Palestrina.
Personent hodie Piae Cantiones arr. Holst.
Fantasia: In dulci jubilo (729) Bach.


Sunday 30th December: THE HOLY FAMILY

Berceuse (Op. 31 No. 19) Vierne.
Missa O magnum mysterium Victoria.
Pastores loquebantur Guerrero.
O magnum mysterium Victoria.
Carillon (Op. 31 No. 21) Vierne.

Jesu Redemptor omnium Gregorian chant.
Magnificat Tone 8 à 4 (1565) Lassus.
Resonet in laudibus arr. Handl.
Prelude: In dir ist Freude (615) Bach.